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  • Sheila E Sullivan

August 1- 1 day of children

Today was the first day the children came to school. It was a lot of fun. I am a whole lot more comfortable there than at my previous job. It's either the school layout, the teachers, the small teacher-to-student ratio, or being able to go in, see and get a feeling for it though I am exhausted: I went to many different classrooms. I have a checklist of classrooms I have been to and have not been to. I haven't figured it out, but I will. I know with the little ones, I am going to have help. Today I floated in and out of classrooms. That will be what I am doing for this week and next week.

My commute is different and in a different direction, but I like it better because I get to see horses and goats or donkeys. Plus, having driven there during the summer to get paperwork and interviews, some of the roads are the same. Plus, I sometimes drive by the hardware store I have been to. But also, Vickory Village I drive by.

I know the school year is starting because the rain keeps falling in the afternoon just as I am about to leave. If you know me, you know I hate driving in the rain. Especially thunder and lightning storms.

There are also so many rotaries I get to drive through, and they are fun when I don't mess up the turn. Buffalo did help in that way, and my driving teacher.

I also learned when I was trying to create an event to remind myself to do something that if something repeats on a certain day of the month, it's not weekly. It's Monthly.

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Aug 01, 2022

Congratulations! Like they say at Amazon — a Day 1 mentality!!

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