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Welcome to Sheila's job blog at GA. 

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Updated: Oct 16, 2020

Today was a little crazy. It was a different group of kiddos, and so it was a lot like the first day again. I got thru it. I also love my drive because it’s so short!!!! 15-17 minutes!! Then dinner was beef stroganoff from Walmart grocery run! It took me back to GA when my uncle cooked it. So yummy. The difference between teachers who have worked at my school and hasn’t it’s HUGE.

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Updated: Oct 16, 2020

Today I woke up later than I like to. But I did make pasta and used my leftover bbq to add to the pasta. I cleaned my tub, toilet, and sink. I also cleaned the microwave and stove. Yesterday two of my roommates and I saw a crow, I think. It came right up to our window. It was amazing. We have also seen groundhog, I think. I watched lots of vlogs and played my switch. I have learned that defrosting fruit to make my smoothie saves so much time. One of my roommates is a good bartender. I also called the granny learned some facts about my family that lives up here.

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